Pleasant and active relaxation is guaranteed on the easy, 20 km long route with a starting point in the square of the village of Varín and the finish in the village of Gbeľany. The road takes you to the crossroad in Žilina from where you continue to the village. Upon arrival in the village, turn right toward the saddle Žiarce along an old asphalt road. This part of the route is full of spectacular views. At the end of the saddle turn right and go downhill till you get to Lysica. Follow the signs closely. It is necessary to turn right at the chapel. Next will be a short climb up Strážovský Hill  and then again a descent to the village of Stráža. Crossing the village, continue to Dolná Tižina. At the town hall turn right and pedal up to the pylon on a gravel road which leads to the Kurská Valley. When there, turn right and after about 500 m over the creek bear left toward Jedľovina. Then follow the green marks down to the village of Varín.

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Pleasant and active relaxation is guaranteed on the easy, 20 km long route with a starting point in the square of the village of Varín and the finish in the village of Gbeľany. The road takes you to the...

One of the more challenging routes of the region Malá Fatra is the cycle route over the hill Mravečník which starts in the Kysucká or Terchovská valley. If you select Terchová as a starting point, you will go along...

The wide scale of cycle routes of Malá Fatra offers you another enjoyable cycle route which has got something from all - uphill, downhill, flat trails and wonderful views of the surrounding hills. After leaving Terchová, the first landmark...

This medium cycle route is mainly intended for mtbikers since there are various surfaces - asphalt, pebble gravel and clay. From Budatín through the Žilina Dam there is easy terrain which turns in a rise in Varín through Jedľovina...

Like the previous route, this one also starts in Budatín, in Žilina. The landmark is the center of Teplička nad Váhom from where there is a rise to the peak of Straník. If the hill is beyond your strength,...

Perfect family trip on the way to the beauty of Kysuce is guaranteed along the newly constructed easy bike trail beginning in Krásno nad Kysucou. After 38.7 km of moderate rise you reach the target destination - the saddle...

Kysuce offers an interesting training cycle route for you. It is recommended to start in Nová Bytrica. Going over the bridge you connect to the arterial cycle route that takes you to the village of Klubina. At this point...

The region in its rich offer of bike trails includes a route suitable for recreational road bikers. Over 70 kilometer stretch with fairly heavy traffic leads from Terchová to Zázrivá. The first warm-up hill called Rovná hora comes only...

Adrenaline cycle route of Horná Tižina intended mainly for experienced bikers starts in Terchová continuing through its part Panská Lúka to the village of Káčerovci. Here, the gravel road turns into a pleasant soft grassy path which, however, takes...

A medium route across Terchovský chotár allows you to get to know the natural beauty of the birthplace of Juraj Jánošík. The first climb, at the end of which you must push your bike up, is Holešová Skala at...

Almost 50-kilometer route goes through mountainous part of Kysuce along the water reservoir Nová Bystrica which was built between 1983 - 1989. It is located on the Bystrica River, below the confluence of the Harvelka and Riečnický potok Creeks....

Relax and unique views are guaranteed along the easy bike trail around the Žilina Dam. Its length and a slight rise will discourage neither children nor active seniors. The trail takes you to the foot of the castle Strečno,...

It is recommended to start the marked cycle route along Kysucká vrchovina (the Kysuce Highlands) in Budatín where there is Považské Museum dedicated to the exhibition of Juraj Jánošík. The route then continues to Kotrčiná Lúčka through Zástranie and...