The bedrock of Tiesňavy is formed by limestone, dolomite and marly limestone. There are several interesting rock formations, the most famous of which is Mních (Monk). Some rock formations resemble many well know shapes named after them such as Camel, Five Wagoners, Crocodile, Jánošíkova kolkáreň (Jánošík´s skittle ground), Jánošíkova posteľ (Janošík´s bed), Organy (Organs)
The Obšívanka valley, which forms part of Tiesňavy has a “Brigands’ path” snaking through it, and it is a nesting site of a golden eagle. Climatic inversion causes a slight descent of alpine flora to low-lying areas. That is why Obšívanka has the lowest incidence of eightpetal mountain-avens (Dryas octopetala) as well as dwarf pine in the Mala Fatra. One can come across rare plant species – dwarf sedge (Carex humilis) or Festuca pallens.
The national nature reserve of Tiesňavy is protected for a large presence of protected and endangered plant and animal species, but also because of the extraordinary topography of the Krivánska Mala Fatra which is of a great scientific, educational and cultural significance.
The trail from Obšívanka to Male nocľahy is inaccessible from 1 March to 15 June. It is mainly because of the protection of peregrine falcons which nest here. Peregrine falcon is protected by law in Slovakia and its nests are guarded by the national park rangers.
Description of the hiking trail:
Time: 3-4 hrs.
Starting point: Car park Tiesňavy
Target point: Terchová / Car park Tiesňavy
Difficulty: Medium

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